Emily Dickinson PTSA 2.8.13





The Reflections Program is a National PTA cultural arts competition. It is a great opportunity for students to use their creative talents by expressing themselves through their own original works. The Reflections Program is structured for PTAs to recognize students at the local, council, state, and national levels. The theme for this year is “I BELONG!”  Students may submit an entry in one or more of six arts areas. Only original works of art are accepted. The six art areas include:

  • Literature -- works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, prose, drama, short stories and lyrics.
  • Music Composition -- original musical composition, with or without words.
  • Photography -- prints may not be smaller than 3X5 and up to 8x10 inches in color or black and white, including techniques: photogram, retouched, montage, sandwich and multiple exposure.
  • Visual Arts -- drawing, painting in tempera, oil, acrylic, watercolor & t-shirt paints, computer generated art, two-dimensional collage, printmaking, needlework & leather tooling.
  • Film Production -- original works, with or without sound, of animation, narrative, documentary, experimental or music video/film.
  • Dance Choreography -- originally choreographed dance composition.
  • Special Artist -- An option for students with disabilities who receive services under IDEA or section 504 they are allowed accommodations to full participate in this program. 


Contact communications@dickinsonptsa.org with any questions.

Link to

Student Entry Form



Emily Dickinson PTSA    7040  208th Ave NE    Redmond WA 98053    425 936 2530    LWSD

Emily Dickinson PTSA 2.8.13 is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.  We serve Emily Dickinson Elementary and Explorer Community School on Union Hill in Redmond, WA.  Tax ID # 91-1212455.